The Page Rank algorithm is as previously said a link analyzing algorithm. The result of the algorithm is the net Page Rank after a calculation of total number of inbound links and out bound links to a particular page with the weight of each inbound links contribute. So according to Google the mathematical representation of Google Page Rank algorithm is as follows.
PR(A) = (1-d) + d [PR (t1)/C(t1) + PR (t2)/C (t2) + .....PR(ti)/C(ti).... + PR (tn)/C(tn)]
The terms in the Page Rank algorithm are:
PR (A) = Page Rank of web page A
d= Damping factor usually equal to 0.85
ti = Pages linking to web page A ,where i = 0 to n
C(ti) = number of out bound links on ti
According to Page Rank (PR) algorithm each fresh indexed pages on Google has its own PR. When a link enabled on this page to another web page a portion of the Page Rank is distributing to that page. That portion is calculated by the algorithm given above. As a result of the PR distribution our web page suffers a PR drop. What will happen if the number of out going links increased on a page ? Will it suffer more PR drop as the web page is new and no inbound links yet to it. The answer is no. The minimum PR will remain on the page as it is the least value any indexed page can have. The total amount of distributed PR will be divided by the total number of out going links and each links will carry the divided value to their target. This is the way PR is distributed from a web page through out going links.
Now let us see the method to increase the Page-Rank of a web page. According to Page Rank algorithm the PR is getting though inbound links only. So when a new link is coming to our web page a portion of the source page PR is coming to our web page. The weight of that portion depends on many factors like the actual Page Rank of the page, number of inbound links to that page, total number of out going links on the page from where we are getting links etc. So now let us discuss the practical steps to increase the Page Rank of a web page.
The only way to increase the Page-Rank of a web page is getting more inbound links to our page. The inbound links should come from a quality website with relevant content to our web page. We shouldn't perform any spamming techniques to get more back links to our website. The abnormal amount of link building may work for a short period of time but one day Google will notice it. The penalty Google issues for link spamming may be a slight SERP (Search Engine Result Position) drop to complete domain ban. So the safe method to get good PR is get links in a natural way. To get links in a natural way we need to create unique fresh content for our website and over time many websites will links to the content of our site. Those kinds of links natural links from relevant websites. So we can see how much influence a content has on PR hike.
Now the new trend in SEO is don't get panic on PR drop as it is the observers value and has no effect in SERP position. What the experts are showing is there are many examples where for a given search result low PR websites enjoy high SERP compared to high PR web pages where the keyword percent is same on both web pages. But in Matt Cutts (Google Engineer) blog he answered to this question as:
"Great question. By the time you see newer Page-Ranks in the toolbar, those values have already been incorporated in how we score/rank our search results. So while you may be happy to see that the Google Toolbar shows a little more Page Rank for a given page, it's not as if that causes a change in search results at that point. So you won't see any search engine result page (SERP) changes as a result of this Page Rank export-those changes have been gradually baking in since the last Page Rank export."
So in a nut shell we cannot completely reject the importance of Page-Rank and its influence on Search Engine Result Position on a keyword. What I suggest to all young webmasters is to don't care the Page-Rank of your website initially. It will come automatically and don't perform any spamming techniques to improve the Page Rank of your website. The only duty every webmaster should do is create unique and fresh content and post it on your websites. The links and PR will come after it.
Author: Siju George
Author is working as SEO consultant
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