If we are doing online business it has same tricks as in real time business.Some makes money by selling products while others make money through advertising their online space. To start making money online the basic thing you need is an online space. Just as in the real world where we can store the products which we want to sell or put advertisement of third party product you need a place. So the first thing we need to have for starting making money online is a website. The two methods which attracts online money are.
1. Placing ads on your website
2. Promoting affiliated products on your website.
For beginners the best methods to start earn is by placing ads on their websites. There are two kinds of ads programs.
1. Cost per click
2. Cost per impressions
The cost per click method is usually known as CPC and cost per impression is called CPM. The working of these two are entirely different. The CPC programs count the number of valid clicks on the ad unit placed on your website. You will gain money according to the number of clicks you have received on that particular ad unit. The CPM program counts the number of impressions the ad unite received on your website. The pricing of CPM based ads calculated for thousand impressions.
How to select best performing ad format for your website.
You should select the appropriate programs which suits the niche and the behavior of visitors. If your website is getting good amount of traffic but the number of clicks are very less you should select CPM based ads for your website. If you have the confidence that you can gain clicks then the best method for your website is CPC based ads.
Now let us come to the second method of making online money. It is known as affiliated marketing where we promote others products and make sales through your website. For that you should place affiliate links on your website and if any of your reader click the link and purchased the product,you will get commission for that. Some products are offering even 70 percent of total money for the product as commission. This method is known as affiliate link marketing and the primary object here is your writing style. It is highly advised that if you are planning to sell products through your website you need to create a friendly atmosphere for that product on your website.It means you should write a good article or review for that product and confirm the visitor that purchasing that product is really needed.
To be a successful man in online business there should be a good amount of traffic to your website. So it again raises the need of doing Search Engine Optimization on your website. In addition to the help of SEO's you should update your website with fresh content and always care about the rank of your website in major search engines.
Author: Siju George
Author is professional blogger and researching on PPC based programs.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Siju_George
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